Are you a pet owner trying to sell a home? A realtor explains what you need to do.
For a lot of us, pets are an integral part of our families. They offer companionship, happiness and just the right amount of frustration. And while they provide immeasurable amounts of life satisfaction, they do pose some issues when it comes time to sell your home; issues that you wouldn’t have encountered if you were a homeowner without a pet, which is okay, it just adds additional preparation during the selling process. But with the help of Southwest Missouri Realty, and the tips from our talented group of realtors in Springfield, MO, you’ll have your home ready to sell in no time!
Deep Clean
There’s cleaning, and then there’s deep cleaning. If you’ve lived in a home with a pet, you will need to familiarize yourself with the latter. This means vacuuming and scrubbing all those hard to reach places – the closet, behind the furniture, under the furniture, under the rug, that hard to reach corner that your pet loved, all of it. It won’t be easy, but it’s necessary. Now roll up those sleeves and get to work! (If things are really bad it’s not a terrible idea to hire a professional cleaning service.)
Scour Both the Exterior and the Interior and Fix Accordingly
When it comes to the exterior of your home, your pet likely enjoyed a few romps through the yard (our realtors know this to be true) – digging holes, scratching fences, using anything and everything as a toilet; the list is never-ending. In order to get your home ready to sell, you’ll need to rectify those situations. Clean up any remaining excrement, fill in those holes, fix the boards on the fence, and tidy up anything else that looks out of place.
Similarly, the same can be said of the interior of your home as well. While some pet owners are fortunate to have pets that behave themselves at all times, most aren’t so lucky (our realtors can also attest to this). If you fall into the latter category, take the extra care inside your home that it deserves. Fix any roughed up furniture, cabinet doors, ripped screens, etc. that have encountered some wear and tear along the way.
Have Your Home Checked for Fleas
Even if you think your pet has never had fleas, it’s good practice to check your home for any infestation anyway. If you discover fleas, or think there is the slightest chance your house encountered them, contact a professional for further inspection.
Final Thoughts From Our Group of Realtors
Selling a home can be an overwhelming task. Selling a home with a pet can be even more so. But by following the tips from our group of talented realtors, you can feel confident that you’ll have your house ready to hit the market in no time. Visit our website for more information, or contact us today about all things springfield, MO real estate.
(Information retrieved from Rochester Estate Blog)
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